
Nov 7, 2021
Under $100 Gift Guide!
I have quite literally never been this excited for the holidays. I'm not sure what is different about this year from year's past, but I...

Oct 24, 2021
All about outerwear
Things are cooling down in this neck of the woods -- in fact, pretty rapidly! This week, the nights got a bit colder and the mornings...

Oct 1, 2021
27 Years and Sparkling Serendipity
Photo credit: Désirée from Désirée Photography My not so secret is out: I've always been an oversharer. My thoughts bubble inside my head...

Oct 1, 2021
My 3 Favorite Masterclasses
Earlier this year, I got a Masterclass subscription. It's one of my favorite thing to throw on a class, grab a cup of coffee, and start...

Oct 1, 2021
Rustic Brie and Pumpkin Toast: My Favorite Fall Breakfast
Ah, fall. It's my favorite time of year. I love when the air feels crisp, the leaves start to change colors, and things feel a bit...

Oct 1, 2021
Top 5 Tips for Wedding Dress Shopping
In January 2020, I said yes to the dress of my dreams! I live in New York City, where there's definitely not a shortage of places to shop...