
Mar 7, 2022
February in Review
February has never traditionally been my favorite month. It's cold and dark, short and fleeting, and I spend quite a bit of time at home....

Jan 10, 2022
My 2022 Goals and Word of the Year.
Hi friends! I was watching Brooke Miccio's Instagram story where she was talking about selecting a word of the year, and I thought that...

Dec 26, 2021
21 Lessons I've Learned in 2021
1. Take the leap I started blogging when I was 15. First on Tumblr, then on my own blogspot, then in shortened form on Instagram. Then I...

Oct 1, 2021
Why we moved to New York City
Photo credit: Laura from Boston Mountain Photo My fiancé and I moved into New York City less than a month before everything changed. ---...