This week I wanted to do something a little different! There are so many new faces around here, so I wanted to do a little ask me anything to get to know you better! I sourced some AMA's on my Instagram and wanted to share a long-form response to some here!
Q: What are your dream travel locations? So many! I just got my first-ever passport last month and I can't wait to start traveling more. I've always wanted to go to Spain, and I can't wait to go to Barcelona on our honeymoon this fall. For my 30th birthday, I would love to go to Greece. I also would love to go to Italy, England, and Ireland. Domestically, I want to go to Montana, Austin, and Cape Cod!
Q: What are you currently binging? I feel like I go through such big waves with TV, movies, and books. I have really been into TV recently and in the last month, I binged Love is Blind, Inventing Anna, Law & Order SVU and Organized Crime, and Succession. Now I'm watching The Dropout.
Q: What's a lesson you learned the hard way?
I've always struggled with self-worth, kind self-talk, and setting boundaries. There is no one that could possibly be meaner to me than I can, and I'm trying to work on that more. Tangentially, I notice it increase when I'm burnt out. To mitigate that, I really have to set clear boundaries and abide by them so others respect them too.
Q: How many tattoos do you have? Do you want any more? Currently, I have two tattoos. I have "fearless" on my ribs and a crown on the inside of my foot. I debate getting more all the time! If I was to get any more, I'd get a small peace sign, thirteen in roman numerals, the "I love you" ASL sign, and "live for the hope of it all".
Q: How do you stay motivated?
This is such a big question and there are so many ways to answer it! I try to use a lot of different methods, whether that's motivating myself with a reward or reminding myself why I am doing what I'm doing. One of my biggest tips is to set yourself up for success for productivity, so when you're away from a task you're actually resting! For me that typically looks like tackling a big work day by starting off with a big coffee, time blocking, and creating a relaxing atmosphere! Then, when I have an accomplishment -- no matter how big or how small -- I try to celebrate!
Q: What are your biggest career goals? I would love to build AMoM to a bigger annual budget every year. I know we would be able to do so much more and help so many more kids in need if we were able to amp up those numbers to take it to the next level. We have a lot of really big goals for this year I'm keeping close right now, but I can't wait to celebrate them with you as they come! Personally, I would love to keep building my online community, develop new products, and explore more collaborations! One of my biggest dreams is also to publish a book!
Q: How often do you check your emails?
Honestly, probably too often! I'm trying to work on only sitting down to answer emails in the morning and before I log off that way I can really focus on what I'm doing and how I'm answering. I'm really trying to be better about taking some time away on the weekends so I can recharge and refocus!
Q: What's your secret to confidence?
I think my biggest confidence tip is being prepared. I try to do things that I know make me feel more prepared and secure. Whether that's taking the time to workout or meal prep because I know it makes me feel good, or meticulously planning an event or campaign, the more prepared I can be the more confident I feel!
Q: You can have a house, apartment, and mansion in 4 locations, where would they be? I love this question! I would definitely do a house in Martha's Vineyard. I think it's one of the prettiest beach towns and would be so fun to host friends and family at a beach house! I would do an apartment somewhere abroad -- maybe Greece! I would love a "mansion" (or NYC equivalent!) in New York City as home base! There's nothing better than NYC.
Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Happy.
Send some more questions my way at heythere@kyleelauren.com!
Infinite x's and o's, kylee